Sunday 18 May 2014

May/June spending ban!

In the past month I've been buying non stop make up must admit that is never a bad thing but my credit card balance says otherwise.
I've decided that this month is a must have spending band, now I'am not going cold turkey, one thing that I'll definitely be buying is my new vanity from Ikea. But am making myself save before I buy it, also another rule is only repurchases are allowed and only MAC Limited edition collections cause let's be honest if you miss out they're gone forever! And I'll never be able to forgive myself:

Also with all the money I'll be putting away.. Hopefully I'am going to treat myself to the sigma extravaganza copper brush collection, because it will be a nice new piece to my vanity but also it's been on my wish list forever! 

To take my mind off not buying anything cause let's be honest, I always have to buy something I'am going to be doing a #15daysofbeauty which I'am currently doing and then probably a  #30daysofbeauty on my Instagram.. @beautyfordayz so go check that out and support these sad times ha-ha :p


  1. I'm thinking about doing a spending ban in June aswell, I have spent so much money this month it's crazy! xo

    1. So have I!, I really want to get a new vanity and new sigma brushes but this will be the only way i can do that if i just stop buying hahaha, at the moment iam not actually saving anything cause I'am trying to pay of my bill agh :(
