Saturday, 30 August 2014


The weekly review is part of a new segment currently taking place on my blog when I actually stop being lazy and post!
Basically, it's purpose is to make me blog at least once a week and actually interact with you guys on what you would like to see on my blog.

This week you guys voted on instagram for me to review Too faced - Better Than Sex Mascara so here it is!

I was given this mascara as I had asked for it from a family who went to America and bought it at Sephora

The one thing that put me off was the price as I probably would have purchased it before in AU but I thought it cost around $50 at kit cosmetics, but actually I was very wrong and it is only $29 which I think is reasonable for an American brand.

Below is the comparison with the top being my normal eyelashes without anything on (I do have quite long eyelashes to start with)
Bottom is with too faced applied on top and bottom lashes

The one thing I love about this mascara is that it really does separate my eyelashes. I don't think it can really clump your eyelashes that much, maybe if you apply numerous layers, but this has never happened to me.

The brush does look quite clumpy but I don't know, just something that doesn't make it look clumpy and just coats the eyelashes amazingly!

Overall : Love this mascara it does make my eyelashes look even longer and its defiantly a must have!

Beautyfordayz rating:

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