Monday, 18 August 2014

JULY FAVES 2014 - MAC, Toofaced & Dermalogica

A bit late on the July Faves I know, but it's better late then never, I can't believe that where already in July half the year gone apparently its also 20 Fridays till Christmas, SERIOUSLY CRAZY!

MAC - Trace Gold Blush $AUD 41
I have been loving this soft gold sparkle blush to warm up my face in this pale winter

MAC - Lady Danger $AUD 36
Since Dying the ends of my hair copper, I have got a whole new confidence in wearing this bright lip in winter, it just goes with my hair so well LOVE IT!

TOO FACED - Better than sex $AUD 31.95
This Turns my lashes into long think spider legs and i love it! I wore falses on the weekend and really i couldn't even tell the difference in my normal eyes whilst wearing this mascara then falses.

MAC - DUCHESS Quad - Sharon Osbourne Collection $AUD 68
I'am the most impatient person ever so when this Quad came out and people in America where posting about it, I was like AHHH I MUST HAVE IT! So I went on ebay and bought this amazing gem! One of my favourite palette I love  Sweet eyes and Sexy Eyes (The first two colours in the palette) I really have to see which MAC colours are similar in the permanent collection so I can buy them when I hit pan on this quad

DERMALOGICA -Precleanse $AUD 52.50
I am sure people are so sick of me talking about Dermalogica Precleanse but I'am just so in love with the concept of this oil base product, It helps melt down my makeup helping my cleanser really work into my skin

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