Sunday, 1 June 2014

Review: True Match Foundation by Loreal

Today I'am reviewing the True Match Loreal - W1

First of all when I look for a foundation to buy I base the pick on theses 3 things: How long it last, How well it covers my face and How quickly it shows my oily skin coming through.

I'am so disappointed in this foundation, and after hearing such amazing things about it and people saying it's there new holy grail foundation and so on I had such high hopes:(

Many people said this was a medium to full coverage foundation, on their website it states  "True Match Super-Blendable Makeup precisely matches your skin’s tone and texture and coordinates perfectly formulated with Precise Match Technology so you can control the coverage and fine-tune it. Ultra-pure formula contains no oils, fragrances, or pore-clogging fillers, so all you see is beautiful, radiant, flawless skin"

First Reason why I dislike like this foundation, As soon as I put two pumps on my beauty blender I knew by the Watery texture of the foundation it was not going to go down well ha-ha, I normally use a very thick consistency foundation Revlon colorstay which is one of my holy grail foundations, but I'am always trying to find a foundation that is better.
You can sort of see how waterly the consists is in the picture above

I work all day and, mostly long hours and sometimes it can be sweaty so I need a foundation that can keep up with that. THIS TRANSFERS LIKE NO OTHER FOUNDATION I HAVE EVER TRIED!
Like my nose was itchy so I rubbed it nek minute all the makeup was on my hand and there was no makeup left on my nose. Now it's not like I don't set my makeup, I feel like this has more of a tinted moisturizer kind of formula.

The first Picture is just applied looking all nice, the second picture is after a few mins and rubbed into the skin, As you can it has grabbed to my fine lines and gone all weird to be honest I can explain it but it just doesn't sit to well on my skin.

Thirdly, I've had a couple of people talk to me on my instagram about the color selection they have, and how there isn't much to choose from, Personally I think they cater more to yellow tone skin tones then pinky skin tones which can make people look quite pastey.

Overall: Main reason I don't like this, Doesn't stay on my face long enough and isn't full coverage enough for me.
These are my opinions and if you're deciding between this foundation, its best just to give it a shot or try to get a sample because they're lost of mixed reviews about it.

Would I recommend this to a friend? Maybe a worst enemy, haha jokes BUT DEFAINTLY NOT!

Beautyfordayz rating love heart:

I give this 1 Beautyfordayz love heart, isn't even worth the one love heart for an everyday foundation but it does have a chance of being a tinted moisturizer and I don't want to bash it just because it isn't want I'am looking for a lot of people love this foundation.

If unsure on how Beautyfordayz Ratings are please go to this page to see the key : Beautyfordayz love heart rating info 

1 comment:

  1. That's such a shame you didn't like it! I was so hesitant as first about trying it, because I thought with my oily skin it wouldn't work!
    I really enjoyed it and for me it lasted a good 10ish hours looking fantastic... I even featured it in my favourites this month! I guess everybody reacts differently to products :(
