Saturday, 7 June 2014

Wednesday Weekly Wishlist - #3 SEPHORA WISHLIST!

Sorry I didn't post last weeks Wednesday Weekly Wishlist here it is!
My Grandparents are off to America next week and as lovely grandparents as they are, they always go to Sephora to buy a bunch of stuff. 
The list Above is the majority of the things am going to ask to buy, as I shall be paying for half I didn't want it to make it too expensive (but probably make an order later on in the year with shipit).
One of the things I want is actually out of stock online so I can't actually show you, but they are all mini summer essentials for when I go away and same with the smaller urban decay. 
The rest are things ive wanted to try for ages or have tried and are repurchases.
Looking at this list really doesn't look like much, but the price says otherwise.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mikayla, I nominated you to do this tag thing called Liebster Award. It's on my latest post! :)
