Monday, 19 May 2014

Review: MAC Amplified lipstick collection.

Ever since I got my first MAC lipstick (myth, bad choice) I had to search around for the perfect formula for my lips until one day I bought girl about town and fell in love.
MAC amplified lipsticks are by far my favorite ever formula's they're so rich and creamy and there pigment are amazing. I love how MAC always brings bright colors out in this formula because they really are amazing on the lips.
As you'll find below a lot of my Amplified collection is pink because I find they suit me better.

I did not make this easy for you guys to show which ones are which 
Front - Chatterbox + Show Orchid (pro only)
Next four - Up the amp + Girl about town  + Craving + Red Balloon
Next Three -Blankety + Morange + Saint Germain
Far Back - Violetta (Pro only) + Impassioned
AND HAPPY GO LUCKY but it was in my bag :(

I have quite liney and chapped lips, they are also very pigmented so its hard for me to wear light pinks or nudes, which is so annoying! 

Morange - Blankety - Craving - Chatterbox -Impassioned - Red Balloon - Show Orchid - Girl about town - Saint Germain - Violetta - Up the amp

Morange - Permanet
Morange is a fluorescent orange, which is beautiful in summertime, to be honest, I thought I'd be brave enough to wear this colour but I not.. But I do have more orangey red lippies in my collection that I choose to wear more often than just a straight orange, it is a very beautiful colour and would look amazing on tanned skin.
Blankety- Permanet
Blankety is a very warm brownish nude, I do quite like this colour, but again bought it when the 'nude lip' fashion was in.. Personally nudes are just not my thing as I'am more of a bright coloured lip person on my fair skin. I do recommend for people that prefer there nudes brown, as this colour in the tube can be a little misleading, especially on fair skin, on my lips it runs a lighter brown rather than the light pink it looks in the tube.
Craving - Permanet
Craving was my old time winter favourite a few winters ago, the main reason being it was a very berry pink it went on my lips beautifully sort of "my lips but better" sadly I don't think this colour is very flattering on me in the summer.
Chatterbox - Permanet
Chatterbox this colour is more of a light pinkish orange but more the orange, sadly this colour is way to light for my lips and shows every single line :( it is a very beautiful colour and I wish I could wear it.
Impassioned - Permanet
Impassioned is a much brighter version of chatterbox personally for some reason I can get away with this colour. I remember it took me ages to get my hands on this, but its the perfect summer colour! I really recommend this colour for anyone as it's totally worth it!

Red Balloon - Limited Edition (Playland Collection)
Red Ballon I haven't had this color for very long, but its such a nice mid tone Reddy pink. It's seriously so amazing, I recommend if you can get your hands on it get it cause it's so beautiful.

Show Orchid - Pro store only
Show Orchid I got this at a Pro store in England and by far its the most frosted hot fuchsia pink ever! Even though I don't find myself wearing it that often just because I don't want to waste it. It's so lovely on the lips

Girl About Town- Permanet
Girl about town, EVERYONE THIS IS MY FAVOURITE LIPSTICK IN THE WORLD! I love this hot fuchsia so much! I think this is my 2nd repurchase of this lipstick and ill probably keep buying it forever! Once I went to the MAC counter wearing this and they even asked me what color I was wearing so I'am guessing this shade varies from skin tones, I still feel it is a must have for everyone's MAC collection.
Saint Germain- Permanet
Saint Germain is a blue undertone lipstick, Sadly, I don't EVER wear this lipstick, I've tried on numerous occasions, but it's just too light for my very pigmented lips :( 

Violetta- Pro store only
Violetta I also bought this at a pro store in England, Again, this is a frosty medium purple with what looks like the specs of glitter. This colour glides on the lips with what looks a metallic purple it is really beautiful color the formula or the colour it's self isn't like other Mac lipsticks.

Up the Amp- Permanet
Lucky last Up the Amp, since purples seem to be the craze or more companies introducing purples into their range, this beautiful medium lilac is very creamy on the lips. This is one of my favorite purples I own and if you're looking to buy a purple this is a great starter point.
(Is quite lighter on the lips and in the tube than in the swatch)

                                                      Beautyfordayz rating love heart:
I give this 4 Beautyfordayz love heart, LOVE THEM and I'am gonna keep on buying theses formulas forever!

If unsure on how Beautyfordayz Ratings are please go to this page to see the key : Beautyfordayz love heart rating info 

Thanks for reading 

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