Monday, 23 June 2014


Today I'am first impression-ing the blot powder pressed by MAC
First of all, I've been wanting to try this blot powder for ages! But just thought it was a gimmick as most company's have powders that say that there shine proof and keep oil at bay and which stay on for hours.

BUT this product is so different it actually does keep your makeup on all day MAC claims that it is a  'unique pressed powder designed primarily to provide shine control without adding any noticeable colour or texture. Sets foundation, finishes faces. For use in professional situations and for frequent touch-ups. Blot Powder contains Mica and Silica to absorb excess oils and reduce shine on the skin's surface'. One thing I'am scared about is the mica and silica praying that theses don't break me out.
Source: Google
I applied this over my colorstay foundation at 8:30am, I can see myself using this product quite quickly as I don't know how much I'am applying because it's more like a trancluet powder than anything like a mineralized skinfinish natural.

Through out the day (I'am a hairdresser) at work, I would check my makeup making sure it was still in place and it was! Once I got home 5:30pm I looked again, normally by this time whilst wearing Mineralise skinfinish my nose would be oily as, but today it was defiantly there was literally NO OIL! At around 6:30 I checked again as I was going out, I decided to reapply at this stage, slight oil was coming through could have gone with out re-applying but I did.

Once thing I did notice when coming home 9:30 there was still no oil, but did look a little cakey on the face. I'am Really excited to use this on my 12 hour shift see how it holds up!

OVERALL: This product doesn't get the hype it deserves, this could seriously be my new holy grail, but I'am gonna give a couple weeks and give another review.

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