Tuesday, 1 July 2014


This weeks weekly wishlist is a skincare range from the god of all things skincare Paula Begoun she is like amazing having a website that tells you which skincare makeup and other products are good for your skin and which are the worst if you want to have a look and see if your skincare regime is the best or is the worst check out this website  www.paulaschoice.com you can find them under the beauty reviews.  You can also receive 10 dollars off with that link yay!

They sell kits which is great because it gives you a sample or a taste of each product so your not spending hundreds on full size products which you could hate.
I'am gonna try two kits, skin balancing and clear which is for acne hopefully they help with my frustrating skin at the moment.

I love trying mask so I'll be excited to try this oil-absorbing mask

Paula has designed all theses products to help with your skin leaving out all the nastys

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